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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements for creating a 3D rendering or video of an aircraft?
Aircraft3D requires at least the "3 view" (lateral, upper and front) plans/blueprints, sections, and dimentions of the Aircraft, some photos of the aircraft if it has been already built and any other information you belive could be usefull.

What kind of output formats will the renderings/video have?
If it's a rendering you can request all possible formats like JPG, BMP. TIF, TGA, GIF, PNG (tipically TIFF or JPG), while if it's a video any common format like: AVI, MPEG or MOV and DVD formats in normal or HD.

How long will it take for my job to be completed?
The answer depends on many aspects of the project such as the level of detail wanted, revisions, size and number of the renderings, completeness of the data you will send us. We had projects finished in a couple of days and other that took various months so a lot depends on your needs.

Why should I choose Aircraft3D?
Because from normal 3d model repositories you could get more quality than you'll ever need (and pay for that!) or less than you ever expected. We at Aircraft3D will give you exactly what fits best your needs, following you during the developement of a new aircraft or modelling your requests exactly for your job.

What is the best way to contact Aircraft3D?
The best way is with an e-mail, we constantly check it all day long giving back replies normally within few hours from receiving your message. For any further information please check our Contact Us page.